About The NABI Project
About The NABI Project
107 Foundation is dedicating March 2021 to the NABI Project in Tanzania. The United Help for International Children (UHIC) runs and supports the 'NABI' project as a capacity-building program for single mothers in Tanzania.
Most of the single mothers are victims of sexual violence. These single mothers are marginalized in society and are helpless in finding work, and therefore are unable to take care of their children. In response to this, The United Help for International Children helps educate and provide the skills and resources for these single mothers to become self-dependent and give them the confidence to actively participate in society. The project will provide sanitization education, skill-building classes, childcare and nutrition, and a place where single mothers can have community and support.
107 Is Challenging Society's Prejudices Against Women and What They Can Achieve
We will be donating $1 per social post from March 8th to the 31st to the NABI Project. Our Goal is to raise $5,000.
We challenge you to unwrap your best self to the world by coming together and posting a finger heart selfie on social media in support of these strong women.
Note From Seyong, 107 Co-Founder & Co-CEO, UHIC Founder & CEO
When I founded UHIC in 2004, I had big dreams and hopes to help as many people as possible all over the world. Few years later my heart was set to help the children and community in Tanzania. In 2012 along with other projects, we started the NABI Project, a single mother's job education program.
Through this project we were able to help the mothers and their children during these classes. By empowering these marginalized women, we were able to give them the resources and education to be independent and self-sufficient and be the best mother they could be to their children. This was our ultimate goal for NABI Project.
Note From Chloe, 107 Co-Founder & Co-CEO
In light of International Women's Day, the women I admire for their strength and courage are single mothers in Tanzania. I was first introduced to their story through my volunteer work with my co-founder, Seyong Shin. They didn't choose themselves to become a single mother, yet they are shunned and lack support from society. However, their energy and kindness shine and lift other people's spirits.
Whenever I'm faced with difficulties, I think about those powerful women who support each other and give encouragement to uplift one another. The advice I received from them is seeing their determination to take an undesirable situation and still striving to provide for their family. Regardless of their current situation, their asset is much larger than others, which is the extraordinary strength that keeps them going. They are truly the definition of beautiful.
Join The Challenge | March 8 - 31
The concept of the campaign is showing your best self with a finger heart selfie. 'NABI' in Korean means butterfly which is also the NABI Project logo. So, the finger heart represents love and a butterfly! For those who are camera shy, it can be just a photo of the fingers.
1. Post a finger heart selfie or photo on Instagram
2. Tag us @107global
3. Use these hashtags: #unwrapyourbestself #107xNABI