Wrapped in Love & Luck

107 secrets wrapped in love & luck

Since the launch of 107 in 2015, we have spent countless hours dedicating ourselves to perfecting a skincare line that would represent our heritage and culture. In 2019, we took a step back from pushing sales and marketing to review and reformulate our line so that our passion for quality and efficacy could be better reflected in our products. We also took this time to give our packaging a major makeover.

With so many possibilities and surveying potential ideas, we came up with a design that embodied our brand motto, Artisanal Heritage Meets Modern Innovation. Finally, on October 1st, the excitement that we had kept a secret for the past few months was ready to be unwrapped. Here’s a look at the tokens of love we put into our packaging.

107 secrets wrapped in love & luck

Tickled Pink with Love

The first thing that you see when you look at our packaging is the color pink. We chose this color because we wanted our packaging to express the heart and soul of the artisans who make and dedicate so much time and effort to vinegar, the core ingredient of 107. There is so much love and dedication that goes into our vinegar. Throughout the year, artisans grow, gather, and prepare the vinegar ingredients. Then, on the hottest day, make the vinegar by hand. From then on, they age vinegar for at least 7-years, which is not an easy task. Yet as a mother tends to her child, the artisan stirs and cleans each earthenware every day until it is ready to be shared with our loved ones. We also took inspiration from Hanega’s Hyo Vinegar packaging. The pink represents the Korean word, hyo, the heart of respect, and giving back to one’s parents and elders. When we think of 107, it’s not a bold and passionate love, but a pure and enduring kind of love that could only be perfectly expressed with the color pink.

107 secrets wrapped in love & luck

The Pink Spectrum

The grand idea for the packaging color was pink, and like its meaning, we wanted to utilize this color in the best way possible, pink with a purpose. When you look at the line-up of our products you can see a cascading pink gradient, CHAGA JELLY being the lightest to EVERYDAY PLUMP being the darkest. The different shades of pink represent the step in a skincare routine. We believe skincare should be simple and worry-free from figuring out what skincare step to use next. No matter where you are in your skincare journey, you can easily see where each product fits in your routine.

107 secrets wrapped in love & luck

The Love Is In The Details

When we were redesigning our packaging, we took into careful consideration the 107 experience, and it all starts with the unboxing. Inside each box, there is a special design of a patchwork bojagi. Bojagi is a traditional Korean wrapping cloth that is made with silk or ramie. It was believed that keeping something wrapped up protected good luck! We wanted so that every time you open a 107 product, the pink bojagi pattern inside would express to you the love and luck wrapped up in our modern interpretation of this tradition. Also, the different shades of pink boxes, when arranged together, form a bojagi pattern. You can see that we did not spare any details when it came to creating our packaging.

We hope you will unwrap love and luck by unboxing one of our products!

